
Outsourcing: a reliable tool for growing companies

You have an idea. You start building on it. You hire people to make a team. Your idea grows into a living breathing entity by every milestone. And with each milestone comes a new challenge. 

In such situations, outsourcing can turn out to be a game changer. Rapidly growing startups face multiple hurdles with increasing productivity, consequently maintaining quality becomes progressively difficult.

Outsourcing services can be defined as performing internal business or technical competencies through the support of external skilled professionals within a designated time under a contract. Massive corporations such as Google, IBM, Skype, GitHub & Slack benefited from outsourcing services and became the world’s “Tech Giants”. 

Why should you outsource?

According to a survey by Clutch, nearly 1 quarter of small businesses turn to outsourcing when it comes to improving their efficiency with burgeoning workload. 

Startups often deal with tight restraints on budget and the number of team members, with today’s fast-paced environment it is often difficult to maintain a perfect balance. 

Often due to lack of experience and inadequate education, budding startup owners look for agencies offering bespoke solutions with superior problem-solving skills. An expert team of experienced professionals comes in handy as they are seasoned in the environment. An outsourced team can be a great investment to help new business owners navigate through minute problems and pay more attention to the core competencies. 

Top 3 services that are better outsourced

Your next question must be which services should be outsourced. Let’s look at some interesting statistics that will help you decide:

  • Digital marketing is outsourced by 34% of small businesses (Enterprise Apps Today).
  • According to back4app, 3 out of 5 businesses outsource their app development.
  • Approximately 75% of all global outsourcing contract values are made up of IT services (ISG)
  • The most popular content marketing jobs that were outsourced were graphic design, animation, video design, and writing.

In today’s cut-throat competition in the tech environment, the top 3 services you can outsource are Software Development, Digital Marketing & Graphic Designing. 

  • Software development plays a crucial role in automating tasks and boosting business visibility. For instance, Skype, a voice-calling platform, was developed by Niklas Zennström and Dane Janus Friis, who contracted European specialists to create a computer-assisted call platform. The app quickly gained popularity, attracting over a million users. 
  • Digital marketing is now more than just social media posting; it involves strategic marketing to reach the right audience and ensure brand recall and demand. Professionally handled by experts, marketing can take a business from 0 to 100. 
  • Graphic design is essential for brand aesthetics and effectively conveying the brand’s message. Outsourcing services like social media creatives and UI & UX design can evoke emotions and cultivate audiences, ensuring a successful business.

Lastly, Growing companies should implement outsourcing services with clear communication, clear objectives, and strong project management. They should also choose partners who align with their values, culture, and long-term goals. Outsourcing can be beneficial for companies looking to scale efficiently and sustainably. They harness exceptional talent, enable flexibility, and mitigate risks, enabling businesses to focus on innovation and stay ahead in the competitive digital age.

This is where you start

To start collaborating with an outsourcing agency, contact Devsquad, your one-stop solution for development, marketing & graphic designing needs as a Norwegian business owner. We would be happy to have a pleasant chat with you by phone, meeting, or video.

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